Thursday, November 15, 2012

Gaming news : Lost planet 3

Lost Planet 3 is an upcoming 2013. Which is to be Released on 15 Jan 1213 third-person shooter video game developed by Spark Unlimited and published by Capcom for the PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360.. The game is the prequel to Lost Planet : Extreme Condition and Lost Planet 2 takes place on the same planet of E.D.N. III albeit before the events of the first two games. The game will take a more story-driven narrative approach to the campaign similar to the first game. Unlike previous games in the series, which were developed internally by Capcom, the game will be developed externally by Spark Unlimited though series creator, Kenji Oguro, is still game director. This follows a recent trend of Capcom games being developed by Western developers rather than internally, such as DmC: Devil May Cry.


The game takes place long before the events of the first game , and hence the planet of E.D.N. III is still in an ice-age like environment rather than the tropical environment of the second game that occurs after the events of the first game. It takes place during the time of the first few human colonists on E.D.N. III sent there by the Neo-Venus Construction company or NEVEC, who later become the main antagonists for the series. The game follows the story of Jim Peyton, a colonist who is working for NEVEC and helping mine the planet and sending minerals back to Earth, where his family awaits him. The game, however, doesn't feature militarised VS bipedal mechs like previous entries in the series, and instead features mechs called Rigs that are the predecessor's of VS mech's given the timeline of the game. Unlike VS mechs, Rigs aren't militarised with weapons and instead are equipped with drill arms and claw arms for mining.

In the first game, NEVEC had become a dictatorial force on E.D.N. III having defeated the Akrid and only being left with defeating the Snow Pirates who were rebelling against their governance. However, in the game NEVEC has not yet become an antagonist and instead is helping make the planet habitable to humans by constructing thermal posts on the planet to combat the harsh icy weather conditions. Though as the story progresses Jim begins to unravel the dark secrets of NEVEC.

The game's gameplay will be more similar to the first game with a story-driven adventure rather than the second game which replaced the story-driven narrative with a simple co-op and grind-heavy campaign. Using the game's mission-based mechanics, players can choose to take on core quests that progress the story, or side-quests to help out fellow colonists on the planet. The game will allow players to openly explore areas in a style similar to role-playing games with the ability to talk to non-player characters, obtain side-quests, upgrade equipment and build their own bipedal rigs using items gathered throughout the campaign. Thermal energy will no longer be tied to the characters life support, and instead will primarily be used as a form of currency, giving the player more freedom to explore E.D.N. III. Once again, the antagonists of the game will be the Akrid, aliens indigenous to the planet of E.D.N. III.

Lost Planet 3 reveals new truths about the foreboding planet and the colonial history of E.D.N. III, returning players to the extreme and unpredictable conditions that characterized the Lost Planet series, now harsher than ever before. The game delivers a diverse range of gameplay including on-foot battles and intense first person action. With a number of multiplayer modes and a compelling single player experience, Lost Planet 3 will delved into the hidden truths within the unique and dynamic environment of E.D.N. III.
Lost Planet 3 introduces Jim, a rig pilot who leaves Earth to take on a hazardous but lucrative contract on E.D.N. III working for Neo-Venus Construction (NEVEC.) NEVEC's existing Thermal Energy reserve is running low, and the fate of the Coronis mission depends on the natural source of the energy supply being located. Realizing the opportunity for a huge pay-off and early ticket home, Jim braves the risk of the treacherous environment and threat of the indigenous Akrid. Acting as a home away from home and boasting an array of tools that can assist Jim on the field, the utility rig provides Jim's safety and is essential for not only his contract work but also his protection against the ever-changing climate.


  1. Return to extreme conditions -- Taking the series back to its roots Lost Planet 3 returns to E.D.N. III, delivering a dynamic battle field that's more dangerous than ever before with an ever changing climate that will affect the way you play
  2. Brave the terrifying -- Play as blue collar worker Jim, risking assignments in treacherous conditions to earn his hazard pay and return home to his family
  3. Home away from home -- Protect yourself from hostile Akrid and the unpredictable ice storms on E.D.N. III with your utility rig. Equipped with an assortment of tools you'll need to learn to use the rig to your advantage in order to survive
  4. Gameplay Variety -- Offering a mix of first person combat in the rig and third person gunplay on foot
  5. Intense, cinematic experience -- Developed with the Unreal Engine 3, Lost Planet 3 presents a visually stunning and unique terrain that impacts the gameplay
  6. Killer enemies -- The Akrid are back, bigger and angrier and demanding a more tactical approach during combat
  7. Reveal the hidden truths of E.D.N. III -- The uncharted world has many secrets locked away. Jim's search for T-Energy will ultimately reveal further mysteries
  8. Lonely Planet? -- Lost Planet 3 will support a full set of multiplayer modes that enhance players experience of the Lost Planet world

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